Nominations Committee Meeting
The Nominations Committee will meet on Monday, September 13th at 7pm in preparation for charge conference. We will use the Sunday Service ZOOM link. Contact Pastor Hoover if you are unable to attend.
Pastor Hoover would like to cancel Bible Study for this week to finish getting ready for Church Conference on Wednesday, Oct 6th. Thank you in advance. Please review Nehemiah Chapters 1 thru 4 as a refresher for next week. Pastor Hoover
JMPUMC Charge Conference
The JMP UMC Charge Conference will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, October 6 at 7:00 pm.
Drive-In Movie
The Christian Education Ministry will host a drive-in movie on Friday, September 10th, 7:30 pm on the church grounds. The movie will be “A Question of Faith”. Come one, come all!