Joint Ash Wednesday Service
Joint Ash Wednesday service with Rockville UMC will be held at JMP on Wednesday, February 22nd at 7pm. All are welcome.
Joint Ash Wednesday service with Rockville UMC will be held at JMP on Wednesday, February 22nd at 7pm. All are welcome.
Join us for our Heritage Sunday celebrating Black History Month on Sunday, February 19th. Please wear your African inspired garments if you have them. Also, as a part of the day, an in-person presentation about the people and organizations memorialized in our JMP stained-glass windows will be given by Chiquita...
The next Leadership Team will meet on Thursday, February 16th at 7pm using ZOOM.
It’s time to gather your team for “IT’S BLACK-ADEMIC” which will be held on Saturday, February 18th, 12:00 noon at the church. Teams are to have 3 members, one of whom should be a youth. Individuals who would like to be placed on a team should submit names using this...
The next United Women in Faith meeting has been rescheduled to Sunday, Jan. 29th after service. Please plan to attend. We want to start the year off right!
The Leadership Team Meeting has been rescheduled to take place on Saturday, Jan. 21st at 10am. If you are unable to attend, please contact Pastor Hoover.
The Installation of Officers will take place on Sunday, Jan. 29th during service followed by an in-person meet and greet after service.
The next United Women in Faith meeting will be held next Sunday, Jan. 8th after service. Please plan to attend. We want to start the year off right!
Wednesday Weekly Prayer is held at the church from 12noon to 2pm. All are welcome for prayer and praise. If you have questions, please contact Henrietta Jenkins for more information.
We will be in worship at 10 am. Happy Birthday Jesus!